Election monitoring

Where to submit complaints and allegations of violations of the Election Day
Where to submit complaints and allegations of violations of the Election Day

Where to submit complaints and allegations of violations of the Election Day:

ISI: e-mail: isi.izbori@gmail.com, phone: 0882 857 854

Institute for Public Environment Development: Through platform for mobile phones, "I vote", which is available on the website http://azglasuvam.net/

Association "Transparency without Boundaries": free telephone line: 0800 11 224

MI /Ministry of Interior/ - all local structures of CDI and RDMI (see info on the relevant websites in your area), open phone line: 02/98 222 32, fax: 02 982 56 46, tel: 112, tel: 166, e- mail: izbor@mvr.bg

Prosecutor: the phones and e-mails of all duty prosecutors in the country are posted on the website of the Prosecutor of the Republic of Bulgaria.   

SEC /Sectoral Election Commission/, REC /Regional Election Commission/ and CEC /Central Election Commission/ - preferably on paper, officially filed. It is possible to use the e-mail and phone number of the relevant REC (look at REC’s pages) or the  e-mail address and phone numbers of CEC.  However, up to this moment CEC/REC haven’t made any statement considering reports and complaints sent electronically.

The team of ISI will not work with anonymous or insufficiently clear and concrete complaints and allegations of violations, but will keep the anonymity of the complaints, if they wish to remain anonymous!